Monday, October 16, 2006

Proj #5 - Project Description

Digital Graphics Project — #5

Create a library of graphics using Picasa Web Albums. Your library should have at least one scanned photo, two photos from a legal online source such as Creative Commons, and two photos that you have taken yourself. Edit the photos using Picasa so that they are all 4” x 6”. At least two should be in color and two in black-and-white. All of the photos should be on one particular topic.

Document your work in your blog, and upload your photos to your blog. Keep a design folder for this project in your blog. Each post should have “Project #5” and the section of the design folder in the title to make it easy to identify (e.g. Project #5 Investigate). Proper spelling and clear writing style are important. Your blog should have five posts for the design folder (one each for investigate, design, plan, create, and evaluate). Refer to the MYP descriptors to understand what is expected in each section. The project will be evaluated based on the MYP technology rubric.

The project is due on October 30.

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