Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Proj #6 - Project Description

Website Project — #6

Create a website using appropriate software. The subject of the website should be one that is related to some project you did for another class at CIC this year. This should limit the amount of research that you will have to do. You need to get your topic approved by me before you begin. You should include graphics, photos, and text as is appropriate to your topic. There should be at least four pages with appropriate links. You should use the techniques of good design in your website. Consider the intellectual property laws in choosing the materials you include. Cite your sources using MLA format.

Document your work in your blog. Proper spelling and clear writing style are important. Your blog should have five posts for the design folder (one each for investigate, design, plan, create, and evaluate). Each post should have “Project #6” and the section of the design folder in the title to make it easy to identify (e.g. Project #6 Investigate). Refer to the MYP descriptors to understand what is expected in each section. The project will be evaluated based on the MYP technology rubric.

The project is due on November 13.

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